Book Re-Launch HELP! {Seminar with Jesse Krieger and The Happy Black Woman}

Hey there Readers and Writers!

I know I have been largely absent, my apologies! I have been so wrapped up in launching and being on the radio I haven’t been paying attention to blogging and keeping in touch with you all!

Well, I am going to catch you up in due time (next post) but today I wanted to share some info that I received today to re-launch my book as well as a blueprint to launch my future endeavors and to garner new clientele for my other businesses by way of leads. But let me not get ahead of myself.

I subscribe to Rosetta Thurman’s blog posts and love her entries about her travels and location independent lifestyle! She sent me an email about a FREE Book Launch Seminar with Jesse Krieger and although I had no idea who that was, and still don’t, I know he has made some bestsellers happen and that made me pay attention.

Jesse offered 4 Steps to the tune of the acronym:
I – Ignite
D – Develop
E – Execute
A – Accelerate

Each of these had their own set of instructions and ways to set yourself up for success and I will share one today and the others in subsequent posts in the coming weeks.

1. Hire an editor
This is important because it’s really the only way to catch all of your typos and grammar mistakes. Trust me I know this for sure… He offered a resource called where you can hire an editor for both line and copy editing with prices ranging from $125 – $350, which I will investigate and get back to you about later.

2. Hire a cover designer
This is what I already have covered with Fivver. Jesse offered an alternative with 99Designs,com. This service is where you basically solicit the services from the designers registered with the price you will pay for the winning design. They continue to vie for you to choose their design. The one thing I love about this is that there is a way for you to share the design with your readers (that’s you!) for them to help you choose a design with polls!

The great part about this segment of the seminar was that he explained how to choose your design! One of his suggestions was ingenious; go to the airport and look at the book shelves there. Why is that so ingenious? Because there’s an intersection of demographics, which makes it a hub for your book market. Go to the section where your book would be and take a picture! Use that picture to assist in your cover design process. The other things he suggested were run of the mill: big bold title, illustrative picture with your name large but not as big as title.

3. Hire an interior layout designer
I already have that covered with my good friend (in my head) Joel Freidlander and his ingenious layouts that I use and will tell you more about later. Jesse on the other hand, suggested again where they would charge and excess of $100-$250 for an interior design for a ready to publish interior file.

He hit home with the question – What’s at stake?

Your entire brand and your credibility as an author and entrepreneur. Losing that credibility is hard and will be harder to regain!

Hope this info was helpful!

I will be back next week with more from this seminar and information about Joel Freidlander!

Till next time,
Write on Writers!

The Write Way Publishing House {I’m a Business, Man}

Okay so last we talked about book business, it was established that it can be dicey and that the rules were set up to make it difficult to self-publish. Or… at least that what I set out to establish in my post {It’s a Business, Man, but am I?} 

Any who, it seems like I just may be! I may as well put this Business Degree to use, right? Yes, I have a Business Management BA with a minor in Communications from Notre Dame University. Being employed as a teacher since I received, it I can’t say I have used it much, but I have decided that it is time to put all of my skills to use!

My publishing house, The Write Way, was registered under my LLC a couple of years ago, but I was too busy doing other things (mainly… WRITING A BOOK OR TWO) to really be bothered with the research it would take to get it established as a the publishing house I would call home to my books, nor was I interested so much in that. I thought I would do editing and consulting initially while I wrote novels. I also wanted to pursue the elusive dream of being published by a BIG 6 publishing house, so I sat my dream on the shelf. Little did I know, it wasn’t sitting still.

I sat my desk writing recently and looked up at my vision board. It was glaring at me. WEALTH, The Write Way. In the upper left hand corner of the board; those words were glued to a picture of a stack of books and a picture of what I considered to be myself on a plane looking very professional. It hit me. This is what I want. It’s not like I didn’t create the board to begin with, but to really see what was right in front of me the whole time – was staggering. The thing is, those words meant different things initially. The books had always been there, but the way of achieving the dreams the board showed were manifesting in another way entirely. Look at God! Write the vision, make it plain.

I am now a registered independent publisher registered with the Library of Congress.

The Write Way Publishing House


Write on,
Tanefa Wallace
The Write Way

I realize that although I am finished, my work has just begun and I am worried that I am losing momentum with my daily life taking over my every waking moment.

I am looking for a copy editor and will probably submit to the machine because I don’t know if I will have the time to actually promote my book thoroughly along with all the other things it will take to get the book out on my own…

I am at odds with myself as well because I have ideas about what I want the book to look like and am worried that others won’t understand my vision.

“a double minded man is unsteady in all their ways…” Lord!

Dust Jacket/Inside Flap Text {When Inspiration Strikes}

I found myself at an impasse as I built my climactic chapter just now and this is what came to mind to put onto the inside jacket flap of the book or on the back…

Tell me what you think!

Inside Flap/Back of Book:

Told from the perspective of three very different characters, The Wayward Wife is at its essence a tale of friendship, love and betrayal. The socialite wife of a prominent Atlanta area architectural firm owner and an operator of a home for single women with children herself, Janine Dupont seems to have it all, but under the façade of her fancy lifestyle resides a woman who is broken and unable to control her dalliances.

Her husband, Jon Dupont is an extremely successful businessman with his best friend from college, with leadership at his church and two lovely children, but for him – the nagging doubt about what may be revealed about his “other life” and what his wife is up to, plague him.

Robert Matthews has been released from prison on a mission: get Janine back at any cost. Now the owner of Douglas Detective Agency, Jon’s ex-best friend and ex-pro football player is back into the swing of things. As he weaves his way back into all of their lives in the most insidious and unexpected way, what will be the end result?

When these three perspectives collide, who will be left standing?

The Thursday Thought {Getting Write Ready}

I haven’t been writing. I need to. It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that things have been taking on a life of their own in reference to my responsibilities and my alone time to write has been gobbled up.

I have to make a on oath to myself to write daily. Whether it’s on a blog or in a novel. No matter if the world is falling apart, I need to write like my life depends on it, because in reality, it does.

Does yours? Do you feel like something is missing when you don’t write? I realized, that just like with anything else, if you stop doing it consistently it becomes easier and easier to stop doing it at all and I don’t want that to happen with my writing talent.

Use it or lose it.


The Monday Minute {Life in Critique}

Last week, I attended my Charm City Writers critique group and learned a few things about writers, writing and how solitary this life can be for a writer writing a manuscript.

We had a guest with us who wanted to be part of the group, but had never shared her work with anyone.

I mean anyone. Not even her husband; her mother hadn’t had a peek.

My perspective as a writer is the opposite, but I may be weird in the way that I want feedback; I want to know that someone else sees what I see and feels what I feel when they do.

But enough about me being an exhibitionist or feeling like one after all of the other writers chimed in with similar stories, what I really learned was that many people feel as if they don’t want other people to judge their work and in doing so judge them.

I also re-learned what I already know.

You have to write to be a writer.


Without fail.

Write something.

Even if you keep it to yourself.

#WriteTheRightWay – Daily!

I’ve Been Redeemed!

They let me back in y’all!

I wasn’t banned or told to kick rocks, play in traffic or any of those other mean things people say when they don’t want you around…lol

I just contacted the coordinator and told her what I would do and I did it!


The only thing is, I have to get back into reading other’s work and not writing my own. It’s an effort that is well rewarded because you get to see other writer’s styles and the different genres that are being presented…

It’s an exercise in practice as well as exposure, so it’s a WIN-WIN.

I always like a good WIN-WIN like Steven Covey always says – Seek win-win in all interdependent relationships and critiquing and being critiqued is just that: interdependent.

I Fell Off the Wagon!

I missed a meeting due to my son having a Christmas Play and not only did I not look at the other writer’s work, I didn’t send them any replies for their looking at mine!


I am so ashamed… I wonder if I do it this week will they accept it and not kick me out of the crew? LOL!

I am just going to send them their work back with notes and reply. Its never too late to do the right thing! 😉




I’m back online….

I’m back to writing 3 times per week on my novel The Wayward Wife…

I’m back to writing poetry and I’ve written a short story to my new beau about our imagined honeymoon abroad… (SPICY!)

I guess its safe to say that I am back on track!

Writing… Not


So the plan was to work summer school, coast financially and finish two books this summer. What ended up happening was that I got this really cool fellowship with Teach for America to follow a principal and be mentored on how the process works. I worked for pennies and during that whole the process, I also took three PDs to further prepare myself for Common Core implementation (and to prepare my pockets for a raise ^_^), one of which certified me as the Data Team Leader in my school!

Needless to say, writing didn’t happen over the last 6 weeks!

Shoot! Not much happened at all over the past 6 weeks, except work and presentations! SMH! I have to say, this was the most productive summer I have had since I started teaching! (It’s been 9 years!) Which is good and good… But just not good for having fun! LOL!

I am going to have to buckle down and schedule in the time to write with alarms and everything in order to hit my new scheduled finish date for one book. Yes, one; I am ambitious… but not crazy! Well… Not that crazy! LOL!

I am also going to have to make sure that I heed the alarm when it goes off! LOL!
