Book Re-Launch HELP! {Seminar with Jesse Krieger and The Happy Black Woman}

Hey there Readers and Writers!

I know I have been largely absent, my apologies! I have been so wrapped up in launching and being on the radio I haven’t been paying attention to blogging and keeping in touch with you all!

Well, I am going to catch you up in due time (next post) but today I wanted to share some info that I received today to re-launch my book as well as a blueprint to launch my future endeavors and to garner new clientele for my other businesses by way of leads. But let me not get ahead of myself.

I subscribe to Rosetta Thurman’s blog posts and love her entries about her travels and location independent lifestyle! She sent me an email about a FREE Book Launch Seminar with Jesse Krieger and although I had no idea who that was, and still don’t, I know he has made some bestsellers happen and that made me pay attention.

Jesse offered 4 Steps to the tune of the acronym:
I – Ignite
D – Develop
E – Execute
A – Accelerate

Each of these had their own set of instructions and ways to set yourself up for success and I will share one today and the others in subsequent posts in the coming weeks.

1. Hire an editor
This is important because it’s really the only way to catch all of your typos and grammar mistakes. Trust me I know this for sure… He offered a resource called where you can hire an editor for both line and copy editing with prices ranging from $125 – $350, which I will investigate and get back to you about later.

2. Hire a cover designer
This is what I already have covered with Fivver. Jesse offered an alternative with 99Designs,com. This service is where you basically solicit the services from the designers registered with the price you will pay for the winning design. They continue to vie for you to choose their design. The one thing I love about this is that there is a way for you to share the design with your readers (that’s you!) for them to help you choose a design with polls!

The great part about this segment of the seminar was that he explained how to choose your design! One of his suggestions was ingenious; go to the airport and look at the book shelves there. Why is that so ingenious? Because there’s an intersection of demographics, which makes it a hub for your book market. Go to the section where your book would be and take a picture! Use that picture to assist in your cover design process. The other things he suggested were run of the mill: big bold title, illustrative picture with your name large but not as big as title.

3. Hire an interior layout designer
I already have that covered with my good friend (in my head) Joel Freidlander and his ingenious layouts that I use and will tell you more about later. Jesse on the other hand, suggested again where they would charge and excess of $100-$250 for an interior design for a ready to publish interior file.

He hit home with the question – What’s at stake?

Your entire brand and your credibility as an author and entrepreneur. Losing that credibility is hard and will be harder to regain!

Hope this info was helpful!

I will be back next week with more from this seminar and information about Joel Freidlander!

Till next time,
Write on Writers!

The Wayward Wife on First Edition with Sean Yoes! {Start Listening at 15:45}

Review, Being REVIEWED and then REVIEW AGAIN {Finding Errors and the Updating Process}

Hey Writers and Readers!

The key word for today is review.

On Reviewing Your Proof

Review your work thoroughly before you hit that submit button.

You are looking at me like, “Tell me something I don’t know, Faye.” Don’t look at me with that tone of voice!

No matter how many eyes have seen the piece. No matter how pretty the book looks in your hand… Or how it fits perfectly weighted in your palm. MAN! If the book has typos, none of it will matter! I mean, of course it will matter, but not as much, because the outside prettiness must match the professional editing on the inside pages of the book. Especially as a one woman, one stop and shop, new publisher and author!

And yes you will have missed something, so please review that proof not once, but twice!

On Being Reviewed

I am so grateful for the grace extended to my by my initial reviewers! They both gave me 5 STARS and rave reviews on and I have several other reviews on my website as well, but when I looked at the book proof myself completely, I was aghast! I found several mistakes. One was that I forgot that I changed one of the minor character’s name mid way through the book and never changed the initial name (he never even speaks, but is mentioned as a catalyst several times). Then there were a few additional words left dangling after the editing chop and slice process that needed to be cut. I cut those hanging words loose, then I had to update my webpage because when I submitted my press release to a local paper, The Baltimore Times, I included hyperlinks to my free WIX website that displayed what I wanted my website to be: But of course when they printed it and put it on their website it wasn’t the correct website listed, only what I wanted it to be soon. Well, soon – became immediately, because I had to go and get that website up! Everybody and their momma was asking about that feature in the Baltimore Times and I just had to make sure they could find me when they went and read about the book!

God’s grace was with me though, because I was able get the website set up and connected to WIX in less than an hour and all for under $6! How did I do that? GoDaddy had a $1 sale going on and to upgrade my WIX site was 4.90 + tax… BOOM!

Website DONE!

Updating with KDP and Amazon CreateSpace

The updating process was a little annoying with these outlets only because with Kindle the previous purchasers don’t automatically get the updates. They claim that they don’t allow it unless you do major changes, which fortunately I didn’t. It makes me feel bad that I sold a product that was a little slightly defective, but I think of it like this… You got a look at the developing me and you still were able to walk away with the message of the text!

To assuage their loss and appease my readership, I am going to offer the book for free on Kindle for a period of the two (2) days leading up to my book launch in June! Look out for the announcement coming on June 1, which is the first date available to me for a promotion. You have to have been listed for at least 30 days before you can run a promo with KDP.

The Book Launch Party with Ellen Gee of The Divas’ Dish is coming on June 3rd! Click the link for tickets! Ellen Gee is a local promoter and host of the Purple Honey Concert and Comedy Series and one of the creative minds behind The Divas’ Dish Radio show where they dish on issues that concern women.

Can’t wait to see you there!

Write on!
The Write Way Faye

The Wayward Wife is Available on Amazon!

The Wayward Wife

About a week ago, I released The Wayward Wife on, (click the picture/link to purchase & read reviews) using their free publishing programs CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing as the distributers under my own publishing company, The Write Way Publishing.

It was was an exhilarating experience to see my vision come to live so explicitly and clear!

After the high wore off, what occurred to me is that although I have been very thorough in my writing the book and setting up The Write Way Publishing, I have left the setting up of my marketing campaign to wither! This is the only way my book can get into your hands writers! So, I am going to take the time to actually sit down and write out what the plan is as well as calendar when I will promote.

I know you’re probably wondering why this wasn’t done before I released the book. So did I after it was done! I self-published because the publishing industry’s standardized book categories didn’t fit. My book has a heavy Christian influence, but The Wayward Wife (click for excerpt) also has explicit sex, a little violence, themes of molestation and its effects on the psyches of women and to top it all off – it’s written in a women’s fiction literary style.

There is no category for that.

So, I decide to publish on my own. I did a lot of research and leg work, but didn’t do the work I now know I have to do if I want to reach my target audience – market and promote.

Learn from my mistake! Plan ALL of the work, THEN work the plan. Now, I am going to have to do some backwards planning, but I know now and my NEXT book, As Luck Would Have It, will be planned executed appropriately.

Write on Writers!

The Write Way Faye 💋

The Wayward Wife Is COMING! {May 1 – Amazon Release Date}

The Wayward Wife NOW AVAILABLE


Hey Writer’s,

May 1 is quickly approaching and I am so excited to finally share this story with you!

The Wayward Wife is a fast paced peek into the mind of a woman who’s commitment, and need for love the way one man has given it to her, are at war.

Here’s an excerpt:


Jon called leaving me a frantic message: “Neene! I have been calling you for over half an hour! The office said you are gone on Wednesday afternoons for at least two hours and they couldn’t reach you. This is my fifth call… Come to University Hospital as soon as you get this message. JD’s been in a terrible accident.” He whispered the last sentence as if saying it any louder would make it more real.

I was in the gym’s shower when he called, removing traces of lust, getting my head together to return to the land of the righteous. When I heard what’d happened to my son, shame overwhelmed me. By the time arrived at the emergency room, there was no time to wallow in my humiliation.  The stark walls and piney disinfectant blinded my senses; numbness washed over me. I was underwater; seeing nurses’ lips moving, but sound escaped me. I watched those white-coated messengers of doom come toward me, but the last thing I remember was the nightmare of Robert’s face, then darkness…

I awoke from my dead faint with a nurse waking me, syringe in hand. I read her nametag and asked perplexed, “Ms. Marjorie, what is going on here?”

“Oh – Great! You are back with us.  I can understand your being overwhelmed… How are you feeling now? Would you like something to drink?” She asked as she sat the syringe down on the table next to the bed and poured me a little paper cup of orange juice from a small white plastic container.

“I don’t know… I mean… No. Did I just faint?”  I asked, my eyes wide. I could feel my brows scrunch up.

“Yes…” She stated as she took out a penlight and shined it into my eyes.

“I checked your vitals and everything seems okay, so I was getting ready to take a small blood sample while you slept. We usually don’t do that, but we are desperate.” She continued slowly, looking me over and checking my vitals again.

“What? Desperate for my blood? Why?” I inquired while simultaneously trying to wrap my head around the scene that lay before me. Jon looked concerned and Robert was just staring at me, his thick eyebrows furrowed intensely. The room seemed void of the usual hospital staff, doctors and nurses buzzing about, which was strange and surreal. Jarringly, Nurse Marjorie broke into my thoughts of why that was, while I sipped from my paper cup becoming more alarmed by the second.

“Mrs. Dupont, your son needs multiple transfusions that will surpass our supply of his blood type by tomorrow, so we need to take some blood for testing. We are taking blood from your husband, you, as well as Mr. Matthews who so graciously volunteered to donate,” she said almost too happily. ‘God help me! Am I tripping? It’s probably me; let me calm my nerves.’ I said silently.

“It will take at least 24 hours or so for us to know who matches, but we will use what reserves we have of his blood type in the meantime,” Nurse Marjorie said with a smile.

“Of course. Thank you so very much,” I said tersely, wondering what “Miss A Little Too Happy” could expose with this whole blood work scenario. All my business could be in the street in a matter of hours. I turned to face my husband and Robert, trying to gain my composure, failing completely.

“Well, R-R-Robert, H-Hi, umm… How have you been?” I stuttered thinking back to my dead faint at seeing his face. Maybe Robert felt like we all were such good friends at one time, it was only right for him to assist us in our time of need, but knowing his ass, probably not.

“I’ve been fine, Neene. Your son is a beautiful kid. I know he plays sports?” Robert said with a grin in his voice.

“Yes, JD plays basketball.” I wanted to add, Just like Jon, but instead smiled to mask my sarcastic tone. ‘Where was he going with all this?’ I thought to myself.

“Neene, I had just met up with Robert when I got the call, so he came along to support me. I was a wreck, so he drove,” Jon said, trying to stop the drama he could see coming. He thought I didn’t like Robert because of his reputation back when we were younger, if he only knew.

“I can understand why. It was hard for me to drive here alone myself…” I started shaking my head and thinking back to my journey to the hospital, tears filling my voice. “…Vision so blurry from crying, had to pull over and call Mishie… Told her JD was in a car crash, we cried, and then we prayed for the best together. That got me back on the road. Lord! I feel so horrible for not answering my phone!” I began sobbing uncontrollably.

“It’s okay baby, come here; it’s okay. You’re here now,” Jon said as he pulled me close to him and brushed my hairline with his mouth. “I was getting paranoid thinking maybe you had been in an accident yourself! I was so glad when you got here in one piece, but you scared the crap out of me with your fainting like that! Are you alright?”

“Yes, honey. I think I’m just drained from that workout and then the trauma of hearing about JD. Have you seen him? Is he awake yet?” I asked quickly hopping up off the gurney and reaching for Jon leading him towards Jon Jr.’s room.

“I looked in on him, but he’s not awake yet,” Jon said, stopping me just outside the room. “Baby, he is in an induced coma… Because of the loss of his foot,” he said quietly into the top of my head.

What?” I allowed tears to flow down my face unchecked as Jon pulled me close allowing my sobs to drench his baby-blue button down. Rubbing my back and murmuring softly, he held me letting the torrent pass. All I could think about was JD’s dreams of NBA super stardom horribly destroyed.

“I think… I’m going to go ahead and leave now,” Robert said clearly uncomfortable. “Okay, Jon?”

“Sure,” Jon stated over my head. “Don’t forget that we need to meet next week, aight?”

“Got it man. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need me anytime, day or night. Neene, I pray everything works out for your son babe.”

“Thank you for offering to donate blood for Jon Jr., Robert. Hopefully, his recovery will be swift and we will all be able to go out to dinner and talk about better times,” I said quietly without moving my face from Jon’s chest. It was safe there.

Jon and I turned to go into JD’s room to talk to the doctors assembled there to find out what our next steps would be. Walking into the room, I instantly felt claustrophobic, there were three doctors crowded around his bed, one examining his leg, another perusing his chart and yet another watching us walk into the room. One started to speak, but I was completely oblivious.

“Jon’s progress is great at this time. We are sure that he will recover nicely and we have the best rehabilitation specialist in Atlanta, Kirk Jones, lined up for him upon his release in a few weeks,” the doctor who was watching us started hurriedly. I guess she could see the shock on my face, but didn’t know I mentally checked out; I didn’t hear a word she said.

I was focused on my beautiful boy; he lay there, scratches and cuts from pulverized glass imbedded into his smooth café au lait face. His barely out of adolescence build, tall and gangly just like my dad at his age, seemed wrong without the other size 11 foot resting near the one he still had. Right arm in a cast and his face swollen, I wanted to rush to his side, rub his curly ‘fro and tell him it would be all right like I’d done when he was a toddler. But aside from the assemblage at his bedside blocking my approach, I knew that things would never be the same. I snapped back from my internal thoughts, blinking and trying to focus, realizing that the doctors were telling Jon and I about JD’s condition and release.

“My name is Dr. Kennedy and I am the orthopedic surgeon who is working with your son. I understand this is a trying time Mrs. Dupont, but I need you to understand what is going on so that you can care for your son upon his release,” she stated while touching my arm and looking directly into my face to make sure she had my attention. I was still staring at JD out of the corner of my eye, but this time I heard every word.

“I’m listening doctor,” I whispered.

“Good.” She stated staring directly into my eyes and maintaining eye contact. “He is going to wake up out of the induced coma sometime tomorrow and we want you guys to be the first faces he sees. Do you have other children?”

“Yes,” we said simultaneously.

“Well… Can there be some arrangements made for their care while you two hold vigil at his bedside?

“Their Godfather is going to pick up Amber and take her home with him. She should be fine there with her God-sister and brother.”

“Great. That will give you some time to focus on your son, for a little while at least. He is going to need you guys to get him through this. I have seen cases where the person who loses a limb or extremity falls into a deep depression and never recovers so we are going to try to bypass that by having you both here, showing him that you support and love him unconditionally. What do you think?”

“We are committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure our son does not feel like he is less than who he was before this accident,” Jon said emphatically.

“I would also suggest that none of his friends from school come to the hospital at this time unless he specifically requests them and he really wants to see them. Jon is a senior right?”

“Yes, he is.” I replied, while Jon said, “Okay,” simultaneously.

The doctor smiled at us and said, “Folks, I know this is a lot to take in all at once… We will make sure that Jon not only gets the best care available, but that we support you both in any way we can. If you need it, the chapel is on the third floor and a chaplain is on duty if you need him from 6 AM to 8 PM.”

“Thanks doctor. We’ll head there a lil later.”

We decided to spend the night in the hospital and Jon would take the first shift while I ran home, got some clothing for us for a few days, checked on Amber and got us some food from his favorite soul food spot. When I returned, I saw Jon at JD’s bedside, grimacing in his sleep from the weight of the world on his shoulders. I just watched him for a moment while I silently prayed that all I have done in the past 18 years wouldn’t come crashing down around us both.

“Jon, honey… Want something to eat?” I said as I gently touched his shoulder.

Jon jerked like he had been electrocuted, but when he saw the startled look on my face said, “Oh! Damn baby… Didn’t mean to scare you. I was having a bad dream, but now that I am awake, I see it wasn’t a dream. Man… Baby, I know JD wasn’t driving distracted and he was by himself, so I’m just wondering how he could have run the light and gotten hit by that truck! He’s such a great driver.”

“I don’t get it either Jon. Where did the accident happen?”

“It happened somewhere near Prime Town Center. The doctor said it was sometime between noon and one o’clock this afternoon.”

“What was he doing down there at that time? He should have been in school, right? I know today wasn’t a half day – was it? Did he have his internship interview today?” I asked. Something didn’t add up, not only was I down there at that same exact time, I knew for sure that he didn’t have a half-day.

“We can figure out all of that later. Right now, let’s pray over our son.”

“You are so right, honey.” I acquiesced immediately loving how much my husband loved God and knew what to do at this time. God knew I needed a private conference with Him right then, but I would have to keep that to myself.

We took each other’s hands, bowed our heads and Jon began to pray, “Father God, we come to you this evening saying thank you. Thank you for things being as well as they are right now God because this could have gone another way today God and we would be making arrangements instead looking into our son’s face. We come now Father, in need of your mighty hand to touch our son. Father, touch his spirit, touch his mind, and guide the doctor’s hands so that they can heal him in Your way Jehovah Raffa, which is a complete healing that only you can provide. God we come humbly through Your son Christ…”

As he prayed, I went over the day in my head, wondering how it could all have gone so wrong. While he prayed for our son’s swift recovery, I prayed that my scandalous behavior hadn’t culminated in my son’s demise.

Jon finished praying and noticing the tears on my face, he wiped them saying, “Honey, don’t worry. Whatever lies ahead, we can face it and overcome it, together.”

Inside, I cringed. I just hoped that he would find it in his heart to forgive me if the need arose. God knows I have forgiven him for enough. We spent the night on that rickety hospital issued cot, spooned together, feeling like survivors of the Titanic; clinging to each other for safety and sanity’s sake.

The next morning we awoke and went to the hospital cafe for breakfast. When we returned with our coffee, Lil’ Miss Happy – Nurse Marjorie greeted us.

“Good Morning, Mrs. Dupont. Mr. Dupont,” Nurse Marjorie nodded towards Jon, slowly walked close to me then furtively asked, “Do you know your blood type Mrs. Dupont?”

“Yes, My blood type is B negative. We donate blood to the Red Cross at my job twice a year,” I said a little put off by how close she had gotten to me.

“B negative? Are you sure? I only ask because your husband’s blood type is AB, which doesn’t match with your son’s blood type, which is 0 positive. I thought perhaps we had made a mistake with processing…” her rambling trailed off.

It felt like the air was sucked out of the room. I looked around rapidly, eyes bouncing off the walls, avoiding Jon’s at all costs while blinking back tears that I hoped they thought were circumstantial.

Meanwhile, a perturbed Nurse Marjorie tried to take the blame, stating, “We tend rush with ICU cases and things get mixed up, so let’s not…” but couldn’t downplay the meaning of this new fact. Neither of us matched.



That’s it writers and readers! The Prologue of The Wayward Wife for your reading enjoyment…

Like, Comment, and SHARE! 

Keep writing (and reading!),
The Write Way Faye

The Write Way Publishing House {I’m a Business, Man}

Okay so last we talked about book business, it was established that it can be dicey and that the rules were set up to make it difficult to self-publish. Or… at least that what I set out to establish in my post {It’s a Business, Man, but am I?} 

Any who, it seems like I just may be! I may as well put this Business Degree to use, right? Yes, I have a Business Management BA with a minor in Communications from Notre Dame University. Being employed as a teacher since I received, it I can’t say I have used it much, but I have decided that it is time to put all of my skills to use!

My publishing house, The Write Way, was registered under my LLC a couple of years ago, but I was too busy doing other things (mainly… WRITING A BOOK OR TWO) to really be bothered with the research it would take to get it established as a the publishing house I would call home to my books, nor was I interested so much in that. I thought I would do editing and consulting initially while I wrote novels. I also wanted to pursue the elusive dream of being published by a BIG 6 publishing house, so I sat my dream on the shelf. Little did I know, it wasn’t sitting still.

I sat my desk writing recently and looked up at my vision board. It was glaring at me. WEALTH, The Write Way. In the upper left hand corner of the board; those words were glued to a picture of a stack of books and a picture of what I considered to be myself on a plane looking very professional. It hit me. This is what I want. It’s not like I didn’t create the board to begin with, but to really see what was right in front of me the whole time – was staggering. The thing is, those words meant different things initially. The books had always been there, but the way of achieving the dreams the board showed were manifesting in another way entirely. Look at God! Write the vision, make it plain.

I am now a registered independent publisher registered with the Library of Congress.

The Write Way Publishing House


Write on,
Tanefa Wallace
The Write Way

Pre-Orders of The Wayward Wife {Available Now!}

Hey Writers and Friends,

I’ve been a busy little bee lately! The Wayward Wife is now featured on my author website: Tanefa Wallace

The Wayward Wife is also available for pre-order on Amazon to be released on May 1!

The Wayward Wife NOW AVAILABLE

I am also looking into partnerships for exposure and looking for blogs to do a virtual book tour once it is released in May.

It really is a business this book thing of mine and I just want to do it The Write Way!


Write on!
Tanefa Wallace
The Write Way Publishing



…Da-Da-Da-DAH! The Cover of The Wayward Wife {Fiverr ROCKS!}


Hey Writers and Friends!

First let’s get into this whole Fiverr situation! I am an artist and I am sensitive about my ish – E. Badu/FatBellyBella said it best and it is ever so true in the case of the cover completion! Couple that with a Graphic Designer who is overwhelmed and that adds up to 3 revisions!

Now, I realize that my GD was on the opposite coast early. He seemed to respond when I was about to go to bed! That clued me in to the fact that he also probably did this Fiverr work in his spare time after work. That was all good with me! Just keep that in mind when/if you order from Fiverr – your connection may not even be in America! Pay attention to who you book and where they are!

He was very understanding and assisted me in coming up with the best cover by linking me up to his source for pictures, Dollar Photo Club. It’s an amazing site where I saw some great shots to use for some other books I have in mind so check it out and join!

I am going to show the progression of the cover from his initial submission to the final that I am going to be using.

Take 1


I liked this but wanted a little more of a curvaceous, sexy title font so…

Take 2


This was still not exactly what I was looking for it just seemed to casual of a font to be the title in my opinion so…

Take 3 and the FINAL Cover for The Wayward Wife!


This one I absolutely loved… I just think it says all I want it to and draws the potential readers’ eyes!

Let me know what you think! Ask me any questions you may have about the Fiverr process and let me know your thoughts on the covers. Which one would you have chosen?

Write Life,
The Write Way Faye

Excited Beyond Words {Fiverr Cover in the Works}

Hey Write Way Writers,

I am getting my cover done today and it’s been all day with excitement building and of course, it’s late.

URRGGHHH! I know it’s going to be so hot I won’t be able to stand it, but I am freaking out over here!

Oh wait, you want to know where I am getting the cover created huh?

Okay… I am using…


I don’t know if you have ever used Fiverr before, but it’s a cheaper way to get things done. A lot of things… But let’s focus on Graphics and Design! The person I chose had a cover similar to what I was going for with The Wayward Wife so it was easy to choose.

Here are a couple of ways to select a great Fiverr creative:

  1. Check their ratings within Fiverr
    1. There is a rating system within the Fiverr hierarchy if you will.
      1. You will want both a Top Seller and Featured Creative if possible
      2. If not both, one will do
      3. There is also the level 2 Sellers who are trying to make a name for themselves in Fiverr universe, they may be hungry to get your job done well and quickly
  2. Read their reviews
    1. I cannot stress this enough READ THE REVIEWS!
      1. They will tell you about how the person communicates with their customers (canned responses suck!) and how quickly they work
      2. If they have a lot of reviews that will tell you that they are really a worker bee
  3. Converse with them directly about the project
    1. This was a caveat for me recently
      1. Speaking English is important to me
        1. It’s my first language and the one I write in, so it’s important to me that we are able to converse via Fiverr mail
      2. Do they understand the job?
        1. This goes to the first thing – Speaking English well.
      3. Can they actually DO the job!?
        1. No, really. Can they?

All of these things helped me tremendously in choosing the graphic designer I chose for my recent cover. Whenever I receive it, I will pleased I am sure.  It also clued me in on how jacked up my previous cover was. I mean hey, I am growing and learning! No judgement please!

Anyway, the wait on this project leads me to another thing about Fiverr that I like – If they are late, I can request my money back from Fiverr and cancel the job. I am being patient with this guy because I like his work and am willing to work with him because he stated he was having some issues with being extremely popular (another way I know he’s good…). He had put himself on vacation (which I admire), so he didn’t take anymore clients while he worked on his backlog, which now unfortunately includes me!

So, now, you will wait with bated breath with me.

Until I receive this cover,

The Write Way Faye